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FeaturesSendmailAnalyzer reports all you ever wanted to know about email trafic on your network. Global StatisticsAll the following reports also show statistics per bytes and average of bytes per message.
If you deliver marqued spam / virus to recipients, SendmailAnalyzer will report the delivery flow for:
Top Statistics
Note: on daily view you can click on each of the reported element to see the detailled informations. For example if you follow link on a sender relay you will see all messages detailled information coming from that relay. This kind of navigation is only available for the days of the current month to keep disk space, memory usage and privacy. ISP like featureBegining at version 4.0 of SendmailAnalyzer some features could be related to an ISP like environment and allow statistics on very huge SMTP flow:
Milter / Filter supportedSendmailAnalyzer support some of the most used milter and filter for spam and virus filtering. If you don't find yours drop me a line and it will be included.
If your one is not listed here and you can send me some relevant maillog lines I can add his support in a day. New featuresIf you need new features and support for new/other milters or filters, let me know. This help a lot to develop a better/useful tool. This software is widely use at my work (espacially for IT report) but this reflect only a part of the Sendmail usage so your needs may differ. InternationalizationSendmailAnalyzer can be translated to any language with your contribution. At this time only 3 language are supported: French, English, Spanish and german. If you want to add your own language, it's really simple, take a look in the cgi-bin/lang/ directory and send me the translation file. |
Copyright (c) 2002-2019 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved. (GPL v3).